First Aid Wiki


General in formation about Shock[]

  • Shock is a life-threatening condition and requires immediate treatment and attention.
  • Shock is characterized by pale, cold, clammy skin, shivering or chills, confusion, anxiety, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and/or a weak pulse with shallow, rapid breathing.
  • Shock usually accompanies other severe injuries, burns, allergic reactions, severe pain such as a heart attack, or sudden loss of blood.


  • Call 9-1-1 or EMS immediately.
  • One of the most important treatments for shock is keeping the casualty as calm and comfortable as possible.
  • Control the cause of the shock; such as controlling severe bleeding, if possible.
  • If a spinal, neck, or head trauma is not suspected, keep the airway open with the head tilt-chin lift method.
  • If the casualty vomits, turn her/his head to one side to avoid aspirating on or swallowing the vomit. If a spine, neck, or head injury is suspected, keep the casualty’s head, neck, and body in a straight line while turning him/her on her/his side.
  • If possible, elevate the casualty’s legs above the level of the heart. Do not elevate if you suspect broken bones in the legs, neck, or spine.
  • Keep the casualty as comfortable and warm as possible. Cover any visible injuries with a clean, sterile dressing.
  • Do not give fluids to an unconscious casualty. If medical assistance is delayed for more than an hour, you may give the casualty small sips of water.
  • Do not give any fluids if you suspect an abdominal or other injury that may require immediate surgery.
  • Do not give alcoholic, caffeinated or sugary beverages.

Products for warning and assuring in Shock First Aid Treatment:

Warmers and Hot Packs

Emergency Blankets
